Free Functional Skills - Intech Centre

ESF Academies - Hospitality Sector

Fully-Funded Course
Mayor of London - Functional Skills English and Maths

ESF Academies – Hospitality is fully funded by the European Social Fund and supported by the Mayor of London

Helping Londoners get jobs in the Hospitality Sector. As part the ESF Academies – Hospitality programme we will support you with individualised careers advice, CV writing, interview skills, job search and job application as well as short courses to help you achieve ‘Good Work’ job outcomes. 

Depending on your individual learning situation, we can offer additional support to:

  • Incorporate effective careers advice and guidance, job search support, employer contact and occupational profiling to help you find the job that’s right for you.
  • Improve your chances of securing employment with organisations that are committed to “Good Work”; to ensure you have regular working patterns and London living wage.
  • Incorporate employer led training to equip you with the skills that are directly sought by employers.

This programme shall provide you with the employability support to access jobs in the Hospitality Sector. 

You will receive one-to-one careers advice, CV, interview skills, jobs search, job application support and access to short-courses to help you access the sector.

2 months

There is no formal qualification for this programme.

Objective of this programme is to help you gain a 'Good Work' employment. We will assist you with the process and equip you with the skills and tools to progress towards employment. 

In order to qualify for the government funding, you must be 19 years or older, living within a London Borough postcode and be unemployed or economically inactive.

Full eligibility check will be carried out during Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) session. 

Call us on 020 7354 5655 to book your session.

This course is full-funded and there are no hidden charges.

This project is fully funded by the European Social Fund and supported by the Mayor of London

To find out more about this programme and to book an appointment with one of our advisers, please call us on 020 7354 5655 or click on the 'Enquire Now' button and complete the form.

Please be advised that you will need to provide your ID, proof of address and  proof of benefit/unemployment. 

- Concierge
- Waiter/Waitress
- Event Planner
- Chef, Cook, Café Manager, Kitchen Assistant
- Hotel jobs
- Housekeeper, maid, maintenance worker

Please call us 020 7354 5655 or complete the 'Enquire Now' form to arrange your session.

Funded Courses

You are one step close to our funded courses! Please complete this form and one of our representatives will contact you soon. 

Funded Courses